CSM Skills
Test your customer success maturity level by simply answer (honestly) the 10 questions presented on the right
Test your customer maturity level by simply answer (honestly) the 10 questions presented below.
Please Note: You do not need to submit the form in order to receive your score.
If you choose to submit, the info you have provided will not be used. Under any circumstances your email will not be used for marketing or sales, unless you will add you consent.
Please choose the most relevant or close to reality from scale of 1 to 5 hearts
Score 10 -30 - Novice: Limited understanding, ad-hoc interactions, and minimal impact on customer success metrics.
Score 31 - 50 - Beginner: Beginning to recognise the importance of proactive engagement, with some initiatives, but inconsistent outcomes.
Score 51 - 70 - Intermediate: Established proactive engagement, improving customer relationships, and understanding of customer needs and goals.
Score 71 - 90 - Advanced: Well-established practices, proactive and tailored customer interactions, and positive impact on customer satisfaction and retention.
Score 91 - 100 - Expert: Industry-leading performance, innovative approaches, and exceptional impact on customer success metrics, driving significant business outcomes.
Self Assessments
This is your place to self assess your skills or your current customer success strategy
It is fully private as you do not need to submit your answers to get the score
It is up to you to decide to share it with me - if you would like me to contact you after and offer solutions to enhance the points need to be enhanced.
Please choose the most relevant or close to reality from scale of 1 to 5 hearts
1 - I don't know or Do not exists
2 - I have it planned but not fully implemented
3 - Implemented but does't provide the desired results
4 - Implemented and providing sufficient results
5 - Implemented, Monitored and enhanced all the time and providing excellent results
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This page is for desktop only
Assessments are best viewed on desktop

CS Strategy Maturity
Test your customer success maturity level by simply answer (honestly) the 10 questions presented on the right
Test your customer maturity level by simply answer (honestly) the 10 questions presented below.
Please Note: You do not need to submit the form in order to receive your score.
If you choose to submit, the info you have provided will not be used. Under any circumstances your email will not be used for marketing or sales, unless you will add you consent below.
Score 10-30: Novice
Basic understanding, ad-hoc interactions, and minimal strategy.
Score 31-50: Emerging
Beginning to recognise importance, some initiatives, but inconsistent.
Score 51-70: Developing
Established strategies and processes, proactive interactions, improving understanding.
Score 71-90: Mature
Well-established practices, proactive and tailored interactions, high satisfaction
Score 91-100: Exemplary
Industry-leading, innovative, anticipatory interactions, exceeding expectations.